Friday, November 29, 2019

The Entrepreneurial Team in Business Plan Process Essay Example

The Entrepreneurial Team in Business Plan Process Paper 1Introduction Business Link, describes Business Plan as a â€Å"roadmap for future development† and has an essential role for every enterprises. The document narrates â€Å"a business, its objectives, its strategies, the market it is in and its financial forecasts† and it serves several functions to business unit from securing external funding to measuring success within the business (2008). As a statement of intent, business plan displays â€Å"where you are now and where you want to go† (Cracknell, 2006) and a growth strategy has to be incorporated to turn the business plan from a static document into a dynamic template that promote significant growth instead of survival, and more importantly, driven by people. 2Identification of the entrepreneurial team The section of Management Team in the business plan contains description of the roles and explicit functions of the members represented by an organizational chart that include the present force, or otherwise numbered order of people who are anticipated to join or hire with realistic allocated budget (Timmons and Spinelli, p. 243). Prudent entrepreneurs will examine during the business plan process to diagnose current and potential skills’ gaps to execute the plan. We will write a custom essay sample on The Entrepreneurial Team in Business Plan Process specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Entrepreneurial Team in Business Plan Process specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Entrepreneurial Team in Business Plan Process specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The team is not only confined to management level, but also employees who are empowered to run the daily activities of the venture (Vecchio, 2007). The manpower budgets are guiding tool of the team structure comprising of estimates and total force needed. Identification process involves matching against the job description of each placement with induction before, during and after implementation to avoid the risk of â€Å"overtrading† during startup (Ogilvie, 2006). 2. 1The Team members Managing team dynamic is ever a complex issue between plan and â€Å"realworld†. To VC, â€Å"ideas are a dime a dozen† and it is the execution skills that counts. A venture should begin with resumes of all people involved consisting of the past and track records of the team to ensure capability to meet the projected milestone and future success. They are concise in the business plan. Without a right team, none of the other parts of the business plan really matters (Sahlman, 1997). However, the limitation of early-stage management teams is common in a lead entrepreneur or a small group of founders in small enterprise. During the identification process, focus on strengths of current management team and realistic outline for addition of future officers are reflected in the business plan (McLeod, 2004). The members from the management team are expected be a self-directed work teams who are able to empower employees to make decisions about their work and to help steer corporate vision (Budwig, 2008). In the business plan compilation, the key management team is identified with consideration of management compensation and ownership (p. 243). 2. The Board of Directors In an investor-owned firm (IOF), the composition of the board has to be elected. The choices of the directors are troublesome for new venture and worth careful thought in the identification process (p. 345). The decision of choice is either internal or external which will start with identifying the missing relevant experience to close the potential skill gap, know how, networks and the necessity of hiring from external source. The board is likely to be comprised of mixture of executive directors and non-executive directors. The directors are key value drivers; hence, decisions have to be objective to select trustworthy people. Accordingly, it is not uncommon that directors of new ventures are either from the founder’s team, nominated from internal source, or from internal network unless skill gaps exist or representation to bring value of credibility into the venture is essential. 2. 3The Value-added Investors In empirical study by Palliam (2005), where external funds are required, the main source is equity rather than debt in a bridged pecking order from self-funding to external equity in preference over bank finance. This is because debts are personal liability as it invariably requires to be underwritten by personal guarantees carrying distress cost of bankruptcy. Capital budgeting and deal offers are integral part of the financial analysis section which is apparently comprehensible to the entrepreneurs who are promoters of the venture and having awareness of synergies with suitable business fit deriving from potential group of investors or institutions. Other than cash, identify the correct investors from an ideal business fit can significantly enhance value of the collaboration in tapping into the investors’ resources of experience, wisdom and networks. Likewise, it adds â€Å"devil’s advocate† into the venture idea to identify new area of opportunity and avoidance of the mousetrap fallacy (p. 122). The pre and post money valuation are be presented to pitch and induce interest from the potential investors whose appetite differs. However, bias from information asymmetry in the capital market (Storey, 2005) has its deterrence to identification process in convincing a greenfield project of early stage venture. 3Conclusion In Timmons Model, entrepreneurial team is an indispensible ingredient to potential venture and great teams are short in such endeavours (p. 91). According to Fitz-Enz, employees cost exceeds 40% of corporate expense and that people, and not cash, buildings or equipment, are the livelihood of business (2000, p. 1), therefore the drivers of the entire value chain of business are rich in human interaction. Evidence in Manson and Stark has emphasized investors’ interest in looking for the right people â€Å"who are honest, exhibit a strong work ethic, understand what it takes to make the business succeed, have invested in their business, and have a realistic notion of how to value the business† (Mason and Stark, 2004). A business plan can set the foundation of rising new capital with subsequent profitably in operation. Those businesses that succeeded have identified the unique preposition of their products, territories or markets and have tailored programs to net results from the opportunity identified. All these activities are performed and driven by the entrepreneurial team in the course of implementation and in most cases, supported by the right alliances from the capital market. Eventually, without the people from the team and the financial industry, the entrepreneur’s road to success is skeptical. Reference : Abrams, R. (2003). ‘The Successful Business Plan: Secrets and Strategies’. Palo Alto, CA: The Planning ShopTM. Budwig, M. (2008). ‘Self-Directed Work Teams for Technical Communication: Best Practices in Management’. Society for Technical Communication, 55th Annual Conference, June 2, 2008. Available from: http://www. stc. org/edu/55thConf/download. asp? ID=123 (Accessed on 6 July 2008). Business link (2008). ‘Use your business plan to get funding’. London, U. K. : The Commissioners for Revenue Customs (HMRC). Available from: http://www. businesslink. gov. uk/bdotg/action/layer? topicId=1073958998r. s=sl (Accessed on 6 July 2008). Cracknell, H. (2006). ‘Business Link Guide to writing a Business Plan’. Bytestart. co. uk. (the small business portal), July 26, 2006. Available from: http://www. bytestart. co. uk/content/businessplans/30_2/business-link-business-plan. html (Accessed on 6 July 2008). Fitz-Enz, J. (2000). ‘ROI of Human Capital: Measuring the Economic Value of Employee Performance’. New York, NY: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. http://www. emeraldinsight. com. ezproxy. liv. ac. uk/Insight/ViewContentServlet? Filename=Published/EmeraldFullTextArticle/Articles/2940060404. html (Accessed on 6 July 2008). Mason, C. and Stark, M. (2004). ‘What do Investors Look for in a Business Plan? : A Comparison of the Investment Criteria of Bankers, Venture Capitalists and Business Angels’. International Small Business Journal, 22(3), p. 227. Available from: http://isb. sagepub. com. ezproxy. liv. ac. uk/cgi/reprint/22/3/227 (Accessed on 6 July 2008). McLeod, R. (2004). ‘Management Team’. Glasgow, U. K. : The Scottish Institute for Enterprise. Available from: http://www. sie. ac. uk/File/43R0. aspx (Accessed on 6 July 2008). Ogilvie, J. (2006). ‘CIMA Learning System 2007 Management Accounting Financial Strategy (Cima Learning Systems Strategic Level 2007)’. Burlington, MA : Elsevier Ltd. Palliam, R. (2005). ‘Estimating the cost of capital: considerations for small business’. The Journal of Risk Finance, 6(4), p. 335-340. Available from: Sahlman, W. A. (1997). ‘How to Write a Great Business Plan’. Harvard Business Review Article, July 1, 1997. Available from: www. uio. no/studier/emner/matnat/sfe/ENT4000/v05/undervisningsmateriale/Forretningsplan. pdf (Accessed on 6 July 2008). Storey, D. (2005) Understanding the Small Business Sector. London, U. K. : Thomson Learning. Timmons, J. A. and Spinelli, S. (2007). â€Å"New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century†. New York, N. Y. : McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Vecchio, R. P. (2006). ‘Organizational behavior: Core concepts’. Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Animal Navigation essays

Animal Navigation essays Animal navigation and sense of direction without maps or any assistance has been a mystery, in terms of migration and travel by birds, fishes and insects. Their ability to use different cues to enable themselves to navigate to their destination is amazing. These animals utilize various methods to guide themselves through unfamiliar terrain to get a different area. Some animals use the sun and stars to guide their way to warmer climates. Others may use their sense of smell, or light to direct them. While it has been proposed that some animals are genetically predisposed of having the ability to migrate, it may be debunked or renewed by the theory that animals are guided by a magnetic field. In the article it explains that the core of the earth has a magnetic strip which depending on its intensity can guide animals in different directions. However a question was posed about the ability to detect such a small electric field. Since this magnet is in the core of the earth the intensity on the surface is so weak that how could an animal possible be able to use this source or cue. Well after endless experiments it is concluded that some animals that use this technique can detect electric fields as weak as five-billionths of a volt per centimeter. Applying this new idea to the migration of sea turtles. This experiment concluded that the turtles used the magnetic field as navigational markers. These markers guide them through the ocean, allowing the turtles to avoid fatally cold currents and stay on a path leading towards home. Because of the intensity of the magnetic field these turtles are able to avoid harmful things. Young sea turtles inherit a set of instructions that help guide them along their migratory route. This means that different groups of sea turtles in different parts of the world have probably evolved different instructions that work only for the particular migratory pathway that they follow. T...

Friday, November 22, 2019

QUALITY IMPROVEMENT REPORT Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

QUALITY IMPROVEMENT REPORT - Research Paper Example ological processes and effective mechanisms that support high quality performance by all institutional staff during delivery of overall health services (Mclaughlin & Kaluzny, 2004). The encompassing definition shows the import of attaining provisions in quality health and services through competent CQI, although several aspects may account for its difficulty to thrive in hospital organizations. Quality improvement in clinical setting possesses complex nature. A valid study indicates its success lies on the elements surrounding such concept (see Figure 1 in Appendix A). In the illustration, a variety of influences affect the execution of quality improvement in clinical settings: â€Å"culture, implementation approach, perceived impact...clinical conditions, and bed size† (Shortell et al., 1995, p. 380). Each factor can alter the degree of health service delivery, giving them the critical role, and the necessary dynamics that can be assessed for significant evaluation of existing resistance. Despite the basic proponents in quality improvement, different perspectives emerge, depending on how improvement tool should be carried out for relevant participants. Kovner, Knickman, and Jonas (2008) identified four primary stakeholders directly involved in CQI: â€Å"providers, patients, payers, and policymakers† (p. 415). The health care team plays provider role, where they focus technical aspect of care, including application of medical knowledge and skills, and ethical standards in clinical service. They cater to patients, another stakeholder, who view quality care on the psychological side. For patients, quality improvement depends on expressed level of sincere attention and respectful care from health providers. Actual payers of treatments aspire to have technical and touch aspect of health services. Practical efficiency and emotional efficacy of clinical interventions must collaborate to bring excellent services that health team are supposed to provide. Lastly, polic y

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Writer's choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Writer's choice - Essay Example It has shifted from the less severe form into explicit content. The paper will analyze some of the characteristics of sex in the media. These characteristics are both beneficial and harmful at the same time. The media sexual content can affect the behavior of any age group. However, it is an accepted belief that adolescents are more vulnerable to media content than the rest. Adolescence marks the stage in which the gender roles and sexual behaviors are shaped. Adolescents easily imitate the behavior of their favorite pop idol; their dressing, and actions. The media has a lot of sexual content directed to them thus, influencing their sexual behavior. Teenagers at this stage tend to copy almost everything showed in the media as they try to develop their identity. Today’s media has been linked with several cases of early pregnancies among the teenagers. The media presents sex in a way that it appears casual. For instance, sex scenes are common in most films streamed by the mainstream media. It is made to appear as if not a big deal and that it is commonly done by everyone. However, the consequences such as an unplanned pregnancy and STDs are rarely shown. Sexual contents can remain in a teenager thought for a long time. The greater the exposure, the more they are likely to be affected by them (Brown, 2002). The media has failed to emphasize on safe sex. Studies show that the more the young people are exposed to sexual contents, the more they are likely to engage in unsafe sex. In the modern age, it is hard to reduce the exposure of the young people to sexual content. Most adolescents end up imitating the sexual behaviors and rely on the media as the sole source of sex education. These youths are most likely to have meaningless sex while disregarding the possible physical and emotional effects of such behaviors. The depiction of sex in the media provides a false expectation of satisfaction that may result in depression

Monday, November 18, 2019

About the Investment Options Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

About the Investment Options - Research Paper Example Mutual Fund is a professionally managed pool of assets. Assets are collected from many investors. It is then invested in equities, bonds, money market instruments and other investment options. Mutual funds are open-ended or closed-ended investment options. The option to pull back the investment amount anytime is available with the investors. The number of units to be allotted for any individuals depends upon the amount of investment and the prevailing NAV of the company in the market. Suppose,  £500 is invested and the present NAV of the company is  £5. The number of allotted units to the investor will be (500/5  £) 100. The investor has to pay a nominal fee for their investments. Mutual funds are professionally managed, so the chances of losing money are also minimal than investing directly in shares. The diversified nature of mutual funds also keeps the risk level within the nominal range. Due to diversification, less return from one company or sector gets easily nullified by the higher return by other company/sector. Gold is possibly the most invested metals around the world. It is also the universally accepted medium of exchange. In accounting prospect, the depreciation value of gold is almost zero. Gold is also believed to be worked as an inflation hedge. In most of the times, gold has a negative correlation with the performance of the share market. This is why people prefer gold as their investment option when the equity market is underperforming. Fixed term bonds are the means of getting a fixed interest amount after a specific period of time. Fixed term bonds have the maturities ranging from 6 months to 5 years. It may vary depending upon the need of the corporate and also upon the market condition. These bonds are issued by corporate bodies. There lays a default risk embedded with this kind of bonds.  Ã‚  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Fight Against Crimes And The Effect On Community Criminology Essay

Fight Against Crimes And The Effect On Community Criminology Essay To aid in the fight against crimes, community policing is a philosophy that has re-defined the police roles ,from that of serve and protect by responding to incidents and addressing criminal problems so they would be viewed as member of society who can help those in trouble and as well as persons who can be trusted. Todays police force has been focus on crime prevention through the diligent implementation of a strong neighborhood watch program. Community policing programs policies have remained active in almost all police departments in the united states. Although we might come to know such methods of policing by several different names such as neighborhood watch, block watch etc. We have acknowledged those communities who have successfully reduced and prevented crime to re-occur in their neighborhoods. These communities have successfully demonstrated that police departments can be more successful at crime analysis and problem analysis (S.A.R.A), fighting Methamphetamine usage, addressing property theft problem properties through collaborations with local institutions and neighborhoods by allocating police resources to aid communities in reducing crime and criminal disorder. These are successful community policing policies that implemented the problem solving processes to address the public safety issues in their communities. Successful Strategies to Combat Methamphetamine (Phoenix, Arizona) Public safety concerns such the production, distribution, and use of methamphetamine lead to drug use ,larceny, prostitution and theft have become chronic problems for the Arizona police agencies .To combat the ever increasing production ,use of meth(methamphetamine) in 1998, the COPS Office began funding state and local law enforcement agencies though the valley(cops). The initial grant went to Phoenix, AZ along with grants awarded to five other cities ;( Dallas, Texas; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Salt Lake City, Utah; Minneapolis, Minnesota; and Little Rock, Arkansas) . The COPS grant aided the phoenix to enforcement in creating advanced technological problem solving strategies such as aggressive advertising campaigns targeted to all students in the state. These campaigns included the use of television ads, radio campaigns, YOU TUBE, face book, my space, twitter and other popular social web medias. The COPS grant allowed the phoenix police department to invest in community events and increased the participations of students, teachers, parents and local businesses. The City of Phoenix is committed to working with schools, law enforcement, neighborhoods and other local governments on the crystal meth issue, with the goal of making our community even safer ( The grant allowed for the creation of a Crystal Meth Task Force. By targeting a specific problem such as the production, distribution, and use of methamphetamine (meth). The city of phoenix was able to pass legislation that allowed neighborhoods to take their communities back from drugs. By educating the community to identify and attacking the causes and conditions that lead to meth use and delinquency, finding truant kids, and work in the shop and recreational facilities the kids use. Resulting in widely accepted zero tolerance for meth consumption. Local and state partnerships were a key component in the successful funding of the meth campaigns. Also the Creation of policies addressing tough prosecution policies, increase public awareness though training and community involvement and an increased police involvement in the communities. The Phoenix department serves as successful community policing program that developed solutions to better deal with the local meth problems Developing Police collaboration in the Native American Community (Scottsdale, Arizona) The city of Scottsdale, though the collaborations with the Scottsdale Police Department and Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Police Department , established a goal to provide the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community with Indian officers within their social ranks and aided in changing the restrictive social system of the Native American community. To successfully accomplish this goal the Scottsdale Police Department along with the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Tribal Council selected young native American Indians between 16 and 20 years of age from different reservations and created the Community United in Finding Criminals (C.U.F.F.) Crime Stoppers Program. They trained them in become effective participant in the fields of drug and law enforcement and community service. The Indian participants would successfully complete a 10-week course which offered training by experienced Scottsdale police officers on crime deterrence policies. The successful implementation of this community progr am also served to deter delinquency, drug trafficking, car theft and a decrease of petty crimes which involved the Native American Community. Established in 1994, the Salt River Police Department was the first in Indian Country Law Enforcement to begin a CRIME STOPPERS PROGRAM. The program allows individuals with information about any unsolved crime to call the program 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, remain anonymous and receive cash rewards of up to $1000 for information leading to the arrest or conviction of persons who have committed a crime. Since inception, several homicides, narcotics and drug trafficking cases have been solved.(Salt River Police Department) Through the Indian community, officer aided training programs increased public awareness and the development of successful community policing strategies by local police and tribal government there exist a positive impact on the quality of life in the salt river Indian community. Shield of Confidence (Littleton, Colorado) To prevent home burglaries, a shield of confidence program established by the Littleton Police Department .The Littleton Police Department (LPD) identified and increased in burglaries and robberies of residents in predominantly Hispanic apartment communities as a significant criminal problem. The CMPD will demonstrate how the process used to respond to this problem has been successfully replicated in five additional predominantly Hispanic apartment communities. The Littleton Police Department (LPD) will discuss how it has reduced crime in areas where problem properties exist. Partnering with property owners and the City Housing Department, the LPD identified properties having the highest number of calls for service. Littleton Police Department (LPD) community program focused on its use of the SARA model and community policing -related resources to rehabilitate high crime areas. This community program allowed the property owners to identify and track incidents of home burglary. The Littleton Police Department (LPD) goal of the community intervention program was to establish a data base that ready available to the community and the burglary victims .The (LPD)used the data base to conducting home security checks and assist residents by make home improvements to deter future break-ins. The communities also establish a burglary deterrent program (Shield of Confidence) that certified homes after recommended changes from the (LPD) had been made by the home owner. This type of security check program has been used by residential building companies, business owners and one local insurance agencys to offers additional insurance premium discounts to program participants. Littleton Police Department (LPD) through information provided in Active community Problem-Oriented Policing programs attempts to actively address the needs of all crime victims through partnerships between law enforcement, community groups, businesses, and citizens. These communities have successfully demonstrated that police departments can be more successful at fighting crime through collaborations with local institutions and neighborhoods by allocating police resources to aid communities in reducing crime .These are successful community policing policies that implemented the problem solving processes to address the public safety issues in their communities. In having successful community policing policies ,these communities we able to promote local organizational strategies, which supported the police relationships and the success in establishing partnerships and implementing the problem-solving techniques, to address the communities public safety issues such as crime, social disorder, and an increasing fear of becoming a victim of crime These police agencies are great examples of successful community policing program implementation: each employed the SARA model and demanded active participation from its citizens, police department and community religion based community members which included local private business no/ charities, government agencies and the local news media. There must always be an ongoing effort to reduce crime while improving the quality of life for its residents. By working with citizens, partnering with the local high school, and involving students, these type of programs become instrumental in increasing the quality of life by ultimately reducing and preventing crime in the neighborhoods. These police law agencies used problem-solving models to greatly enhance their community projects likelihood of success. Community Policing programs benefit not only police agencies that wish to adopt such policies but it also reduces their work load creates safer work environments, and allows police officers t o focus more on addressing specific types of crimes and enhance the quality of services being provided to a community and increased the necessity of the community to develop solutions to problems and increase trust in police.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Cold War Essay -- History, The Communist Bloc

At the conclusion of World War II, the United States of America emerged as the savior of Europe and became one of the leading global political powers of the subsequent age. Behind the â€Å"iron curtain† of Easter Europe, however, another superpower, the Soviet Union, which was seemingly the exact opposite of the United States in every way imaginable, exerted its force to instill and defend communism in its surrounding satellite states. The ideologies of these two countries displayed myriad incompatibilities, and over a period spanning the next four decades, the Soviet Union and the United States of America attempted to gain military, political, and social advantages over each other in order to preserve their systems of life. Especially with the advent of nuclear weapons and warfare, both of these nations saw the other as a perilous threat not only to the continuation of the ideals of democracy in America and Communism in The Soviet Union, but also to the lives of their inn ocent civilians. Countless numbers of historians have argued over the question of which superpower initiated the conflict, which Walter Lippmann coined â€Å"The Cold War† in his book of the same title, but a consensus has not yet been reached. In general, however, the events of the Cold War, which thankfully did not result in a military conflict, followed a specific pattern: The United States’ paranoia over the expansion of the Communist bloc encouraged them to develop new weapons and exert their influence in numerous struggles in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The Soviets, seeing this American initiative as a threat, also escalated their weapons and military programs. Essentially, the origins of the Cold War can be traced back to the Russian Revolution of ... ...ation out, but rather those who have had all the benefits that the wealthiest nation on earth has had to offer (Newman and Schmalbach 588). Due to this influx of anti-communist paranoia, the Loyalty Review Board, which performed investigations and background checks on over three million federal workers, was created. Additionally, the McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950 outlawed citizens from supporting any form of totalitarian government, established restrictions for confessed Communists, and created detention camps for those who did not comply. Lastly, the Un-American Activities Committee, which was created in 1939 to find Nazis, was reactivated in the forties to do the same for Communists. As already mentioned, paranoia was so hectic that this organization searched for Communists in the Boy Scouts and in the Hollywood industry (Newman and Schmalbach 559).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Poetry Analysis of Going Blind by Rainer Maria Wilke

I chose the poem Going Blind by Rainer Maria Wilke. Essentially, the poem outlines an observer’s thoughts about a girl at a party who is blind. My initial feeling during the first few lines was pity for the blind girl, as the poem talks about her hesitant smile and how she holds her cup differently than everyone else because she can’t see them. She tries to follow along, laughs when cued, is left behind as partygoers start to wander. But then the feeling changes during the last line and another feeling emerges, one of sparked curiosity and a slight shift of perspective.Leading up to that, the observer viewed the girl almost as weak and incapable, left of out the evenings events. She pitied the vacant stare and the slow movements. But then observer catches a glimpse of something else, a glimmer of deeper existence behind the milky eyes. The focus shifts to less of a judgement towards this unknown girl towards herself and a place of self-awareness. She realizes that every thing may not be as her first glance may have suggested.Going Blind is written in a loose rhyme scheme that contributes to the relatable yet mysterious tone of the poem. The punctuation is not dissimilar to prose, but the sixteen lines in quatrain form are cut off to create the rhyme, which is a, b, b, a. I feel this poem appealed more to the sight, as the description given painted, for me, a clear picture of the room full of people, the way she sat with her tea, how the guests ambled from room to room, the way her eyes looked.As far as metaphorical phrases go, the blind girl’s eyes were compared to a lit pond, and her demeanor was compared to a nervous performer’s. The theme of Going Blind, from my perspective, is the complexity and the area of unknown within each blank face we see. We can think we have someone figured out, when in reality, there is more than meets the eye, and specifically, there is more to the character of this poem than her disability.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Pythia (the Oracle of Delphi)

Portrait of a Priestess By: Joan Breton Connelly The historical figure referred to as the â€Å"Oracle of Delphi,† in ancient writings by Aeschylus, Aristotle, Diogenes, Euripides, Herodotus, Plato, Plutarch, and Sophocles, was the â€Å"Pythia,† or â€Å"Priestess† of the temple of Apollo at Delphi; located in a cave on mount Parnassus, beneath the caspian Spring. The Pythia was a respectable position for a women among the ancient greeks. Several women were selected to succeed the position of Pythia over the span of the temples practice from 1,400 BC-393 A.D. I will be focussing on one in particular, whose experience changes the requirements of the position. The Pythia was known for her prophetic visions, said to to be inspired by the God Apollo. Ancient from all around Greece would travel to Delphi in hopes to hear a prophecy from the Pythia that be would be reflect favorable on their future. The myth was that the fumes from the Caspian Spring inspired her visi ons. Three male priests would accompany her, and interpret her hysterical, unintelligible babble to the visitors.Modern historians and scientists theorize that a hallucinogenic gas from a seismic crack in the mountain intoxicated her, and was the cause of her erratic behavior. However, scientist extensive scientific research has been performed on the location and been found contradictory and inconclusive on both sides. There is no documented procedure on how they selected the Pythia, but it is assumed that she was selected upon the death of her predecessor and chosen from a guild of priestesses. She was always a young, respectable virgin, native to the area.Once she was selected she had to leave her family, forfeit her personal identity, and sever all communication with those she’d previously known. The benefits were that she would receive monetary compensation, position, attend public events, and own her property. They also appeared to select women upon aptitude rather than position in society. One Pythia could be well education and aristocratic, and another could be from the working class. At the Height of the Temples popularity there were up to three Pythias in residents.They would alternate between sessions, because the activity left them exhausted and delirious. It was said that the Pythias life was shortened from the strenuous occupation. After an incident where a Pythias was been attacked and killed for giving unfavorable prophecies, they increased the number. The Pythia I’m choosing served in 300AD, she was attacked and raped in the temple. Upon this incident the priests were forced to make a decision on the policy of the requirements of a priestess, because she was no longer a virgin. They changed the policy which opened the opportunity up to married women as well.I would like to write about this incident, because she was not only violated, but in jeopardy of losing her job, being exiled, and possibly killed. Once a year the Pythia would undergo a cleansing ritual, where she would bathe in the Caspian Stream. The procedure was extremely detailed and strict. I think this would be an awesome incident to write my monologue about. The importance and specificity of the ritual makes it an important event in her life. Also bathing in the toxic spring could also present an interesting opportunity to intoxication, and visions.The Pythias personal life, (I can only imagine) was one of deep sadness and extortion. She may have had high hopes for the position, she may not have wanted to serve at all, but it was not a position that would be socially acceptable to refuse. Not only did she have to lose her family and her identity, but she had to forfeit any chance of getting married and having children. She was in a temple, that was essentially a converted cave, and constantly hyped up on hallucinogens. It was basically an ancient form of prostitution. The temple made money off of her â€Å"prophecies† while her mind and bo dy was slowly destroyed from abuse.The danger of attack, rape and death were very real to her in everyday life. I can only imagine the state of her mind, and her misery. She was dealt a hand that appeared glamorous from the outside, but was misleading. The source of the Pythias visions remain a mystery, which I find both exciting and troubling. If it were true that the woman selected to be Pythia received divine visions from the God Apollo my conjecture about her personal life would differ greatly than if she were a drugged, captive woman who was forced to live a desolate life. I think the mystery of the Pythia, is what makes it so intriguing even to this day.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

On Dumpster Diving Essay Essays

On Dumpster Diving Essay Essays On Dumpster Diving Essay Paper On Dumpster Diving Essay Paper Quite by accident. I found the essay On Dumpster Diving by Lars Eighner on the pages of Seagull magazine. The first lines of it captured my involvement well. for as I had neer read about Dumpster diving or scavenging earlier. On Dumpster Diving is a piece of big Eighner’s work called Travels with Lizbeth ( 1993 ) . which was based on his ain experience of homelessness. The writer engages me by stating the beginning and significance of the term Dumpster Diver. showing his endurance usher with specified regulations and ordinances. Dumpster is a hallmark of refuse lading onto trucks system. Dumpster plunging involves individuals voluntarily mounting into rubbish bins ( Dumpsters ) to happen valuables or merely utile points. including nutrient and used vesture. Eighner writes that the life of a mendicant going without any money opened his eyes to the fact that all those containers with waste are existent â€Å"supermarkets† for the hapless. and they are non merely a beginni ng of endurance. but besides a depository of high-quality and diverse nutrient. Anyhow. there is a hazard in eating such findings. Harmonizing to Eighner’s experience. taking nutrient out of Dumpsters should affect three simple rules: â€Å"using the senses and common sense to measure the status of the found stuffs. cognizing the Dumpsters of a given country and look intoing them on a regular basis. and seeking ever to reply the inquiry. â€Å"Why was this discarded? † Narrator advises to avoid such nutrients as game. domestic fowl. porc. and egg-based repasts. Soft drinks proving should be based on their fizzing smartly. Bing a scavenger. one has to detect the least marks of seeable contaminates. Notwithstanding the scavenger has no insurance of self- poisoning. Subsequently on Lars tells about â€Å"a predictable series of phases a individual goes through in larning to scavenge. † in which disgust at the get downing gives manner to indiscriminate geting of the things. The narrative besides includes information about the â€Å"can-divers† and their manner of plunging featured as unethical and impudent. The secret plan of it is neither compound nor rich in events and characters. However. it is thought arousing. The writer gives us elaborate counsel how to last being a Dumpster frogman. Reading the essay. I asked myself right along whether it was the lone purpose of Eighner to learn us those regulations. As the narrative progressed. I picked up the writer’s construct bit by bit. His essay exemplifies the uneconomical nature of American society and implies that it is the consequence of mercenary values but besides ignorance and deficiency of understanding. Peoples unreasonably throw out even nutrient that is appropriate for utilizing: â€Å"Students throw out many good things including food†¦the point was thrown out through sloppiness. ignorance. or thriftlessness. † ( Eighner ) The scavenger can get â€Å"boom boxes. tapers. bedclothes. toilet paper. medical specialty. books. a typewriter. a virgin male love doll. alteration sometimes amounting to many dollars† in the Dumpsters. I suppose the intent of the article is besides to demo how immoral is to throw out good nutrient and things. cognizing that 1000s are hungering and enduring from poorness. However. precisely that refuse helps him to last at hard times. Eighner’s concluding for why people are mercenary derives from the construct that they are lost and unsure of what they want. In a manner. his short essay On Dumpster Diving. suggests to his readers that to accomplish the province of satisfaction. they need to cognize what they want. He states. â€Å"Almost everything I have now has already been cast at least one time. turn outing that what I own is valueless to person. † The writer himself collects merely things that are of benefit to him and leaves the remainder for the benefit of others. The article shows that the author being homeless still keeps his intelligent. clever. and sentimental manner of thought. He emphasises the transiency of stuff being and says. â€Å"Once I was the kind of individual who invests material objects with sentimental value. Now I no longer have those things. but I have the sentiments yet. † ( Eighner ) I think. depicting all the regulations of Dumpster plunging Lars Eighner represents us the necessity of maintaining the etiquette even in hardship. The surfs of that common jurisprudence are the â€Å"can-divers. † They. as contrasted with the true scavengers. expression merely for the money there and blend the contents of the Dumpster doing it more hard to happen the genuinely good things. the writer explains. The worst in can scroungers’ actions is their audaciousness to travel through single containers in forepart of peoples places. something a true frogman would neer make. Making that the can diver discoveries different prescriptions. journals and things the proprietor throws out. It is clear that privateness unwraping would abash us. Eighner exclaims against private invasion. therefore showing his civilization and humanitarianism. The last paragraph where Lars compares himself to ultra-wealthy is the most interesting point of the essay. to my head. The rich people can get anything they like and the money does non stand in the manner of making that. The Dumpster diver gets the things from Dumpsters free excessively. Author’s analysis is that the truly rich or the truly hapless are those who do non desire or necessitate. In his comparing. Lars means that he and the super-rich bash non necessitate the points the remainder of us do. He can merely travel out and happen them. The storyteller tries to demo the positives of his profession. but does non overlook the negatives every bit good. following it with the words: â€Å"Dumpster diving has serious drawbacks as a manner of life. † The chief thought of Lars Eighner in his essay is to guarantee us that any hopeless state of affairs has its manner out. The life goes on even if you meet difficulties†¦ He calls us for maintaining our cultural and ethical endowments even when being in the lowest province of life. We may non bury that holding mercenary values over moral 1s destroys and vitiates us from interior. In the alone voice – prohibitionist. disciplined. affecting. comic- Eighner celebrates the victory of the artistic spirit in the face of tremendous hardship. therefore. animating me for true regard.

Monday, November 4, 2019

High Classical and Hellenistic Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

High Classical and Hellenistic Art - Essay Example This was the era of the Peloponnesian war, Athenian democracy, and the Persian threat. But regardless of these factors, or perhaps because of them, Greek Culture experienced an artistic revolution. Statues, for instance, became much more utilized in temples and decoration and to make public statements. These statues came in a variety of forms, from funeral statuary in graveyards to the Parthenon and the Statue of Zeus. This funeral statuary often depicted actual deceased people, thus making the graveyards a much more emotionally charged place. For example, Fragment of a Marble Grave Stele of a Woman, shows that these funeral statues were not works made to tell stories or inspire, but to elicit reverence through simplicity ( Thousands of other statues dotted the landscape, filling the homes of the wealthy or adorning the streets, depicting revered figures of Greek mythology. The artistic tradition, still developing, also came to accept nude statues of women in the High C lassical era (Stokstad). Friezes also became much more used, to decorate temples for instance. They required precision and planning to maintain structural soundness while chipping away the marble perfectly, and thus fostered the development of expert artisans. In all, the Classical period was one where Greek culture was still developing and defining itself at home, and the art of the time followed that. It was a time of new artistic advancements, and an increase in the dedication of Greek society to art. The Hellenistic period was ushered in by Greece’s new place in the world. Alexander the Great had increased the Greek Empire all the way to the fringes of India. But this did not only spread Greek Culture, it also spurred the often forgotten effect of war- the conquered had serious influences on the culture of the conqueror. Now that the Greeks had contacted and governed from people all around their world, there was a dialogue opened up, and artistic influences came along wit h those interactions. Greek art was changed greatly by all these new sways, with each culture, be it the Egyptian or Indian or Persian, inputting their own flavor into Greek art. But, again, this movement was not distinct from the High Classical period. It was merely the natural progression of artistic order, brought upon by new influences in society. Greek art still was obsessed with statuary. But the subjects of the statuary developed. No longer was it only acceptable to depict mythical models of perfection, now it was artistically acceptable to make a statue of a normal person, imperfect. With this, the wealthy Greeks did not have to decorate their homes with statues of only Greek gods and goddesses and mythical figures, but could now include statues of themselves and their family and friends in the mix. But this is not to say that the mythical statuary ceased to exist- for this is most definitely not the case. In fact, much more attention began being paid to the mythological sta tuary, and some of the most well known works, like Venus de Milo, Winged Victory of Samothrace, and Laocoon and His Sons, were from the Hellenistic period. These statues depicted mythical figures in emotionally charged situations. Their countenance had advanced from the austerity in the High Classical Era to highly realistic and expressioned. In general, these statues

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Essay - 1

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility - Essay Example The case of Levi Strauss shows that corporate social responsibility and ethics help the company to create positive social image and maintain moral and ethical environment which appeals to customers, porters and the society in general. Levi Strauss is a leading apparel manufacturer operating on the market since 1853. Levi Strauss establishes a strict code of ethics which is a statement of corporate values and priorities, system guide for employees and management team. A Code of Ethics is very important in manufacturing industry because it is closely connected with quality of goods, moral and honest decisions (Sajhau 2000). The code of ethics accepted by Levi Strauss consists of two main parts: the Business Partners Terms of Engagement determining relations with partners and potential subcontractors, and Country Assessment Guidelines stipulating the selection of supplier countries. Taking into account the main articles of the Code, it is possible to say that ethics becomes a crucial part guarding and controlling decision-making process in Levi Strauss (Sajhau 2000). This Code shows that ethical principles applied by the company are concerned with truth and justice and include aspects which society expects, e.g. soc ial responsibilities and corporate behavior. Following Frederick (2002) to deal with areas that may be considered technically legal but, in the eyes of American Management, improper or unethical, companies must develop and disseminate explicit policies that are rigidly and expeditiously enforced if broken. They fall into this category, as do areas such as proprietary information, product misrepresentation, disparagement, premature disclosures, acquiring or divulging confidential information, certain gifts and entertainment, and conflicts of interest. Levi Strauss pays a special attention to its public image and the company's reputation (Kolk & Tulder, 2001). Application of Ethical Theories Virtue Ethics According to McIntyre, virtue ethics is based on the idea that a business should follow human virtue principles to behave morally. The case of Levi Strauss shows that the comapny values are core beliefs about what is intrinsically desirable. They undelines the choices made in work decisions just as they underlie the choices made in one's private life. They give rise to ideals that are called ethics or morals. In simple terms it basically mandates employees to treat customers and partners as they themselves would like to be treated: tell the truth, treat others fairly, etc. "We will favor business partners who share our commitment to contribute to improving community conditions" (Levi Strauss & Co n.d.). Following Gillian, virtue ethics ensures stable position of business and its compliance with moral norms and principles. Ethical inquiry requires the decision maker to consider facts in light of important values. The conclusions reached are often stated as judgments, such as "he is a good person"; "bribery is wrong, even though it may be profitable"; "caring about others is the essence of virtue". Levi Strauss follows these guidelines and develop its code of ethics and partnership according to these simple rules and principles. Because many people perceive right and wrong from different angles, the objective of Levi Strauss in the area of ethical and moral standards is to establish what 'is right' (Zablow, 2006). Deontological